Data wygenerowania zapytania ofertowego: 2025-03-03

Rafineria Gdańska Sp. z o.o.

ul. Elbląska 135

80-718 Gdańsk

NIP: 5832850390


Paulina Ohler- Tulińska LA




Tytuł zapytania

Treść zapytania:

Dear Sirs,

Rafineria Gdańska sp. z o.o. invites you to submit an offer in accordance with the terms of this procedure.
The subject of this inquiry is waste management and recovery of Precious Metals from spent SR Reforming catalyst (u.0410), spent CCR reforming catalyst’s fines (u.0440), fresh Isomerization catalyst (u.0350) and required service. Requirements and a detailed description of the subject of this Request for Quotation is included in ATTACHMENT_NO_1_SRM_349129_0410_WASTE_MANAGEMENT_SCOPE_OF_WORKS

1. Purchase scope
 Estimated mass of waste to be managed – 60 tons,
 Spent Catalysts and sorbents Classified as: "Amber" listed waste,
 Catalyst code (according to the Regulation (EC) No.1013/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 June 2006 on shipments of waste): A2030 (16 08 07*),
 Code of recovery operations: R4 (Recycling/Reclamation of metals and metal compounds) or R8 (Recovery of components from catalysts),
 Stuffing of containers/trucks & supervision,
 Transport of full drums,
 Thermal treating (if required),
 Treatment and recovery of platinum and rhenium (Pt and Re),
 Sampling,
 Platinum partial and final settlement,
 Rhenium settlement.

NOTE: Exports from the Community of the following wastes destined for recovery in countries to which the OECD Decision does not apply are prohibited:
(a) wastes listed as hazardous in Annex V (Article 36 of REGULATION (EC) No 1013/2006 ). Code of our waste is on the list - A2030.

2. Approximate date of execution: 1Q/2Q 2026.

3. Terms of delivery
Collecting full drums – FCA Bidder’s premises.

4. Please find attached (to be filled out)
- ATTACHMENT NO. 2 SRM/349129 – Sanction statement.

5. Validity of the offer: the required period of offer validity - min. 90 days from the date of submission the offer.

6. Assessment criteria
- prices,
- technical evaluation.

7. The form and content of the offer:

7.1. Substantive questions
All substantive questions regarding the technical specifications should be asked via Logintrade purchasing platform. Contact with members of the Commission outside the specified path may result in excluding the supplier from this contractor selection procedure.

7.2. Technical questions related to the operation of the Logintrade platform
If you have any questions regarding the operation of the Logintrade platform, please contact its operator directly, tel. +48 71 787 35 34;

7.3. To submit a proposal
The Bidder submits an offer only via Logintrade Purchasing Platform.
Please present the offers in two attachments - commercial and technical (without prices).
Along with the offer, it is absolutely required to confirm the requirements set out in the content of the inquiry.
Please clearly indicate any deviations from the requirements.
The offer should be prepared in Polish or English.

8. The technical and commercial part:
a. Technical and commercial offers in accordance with the requirements of the RFP, including the price. Detailed requirements for the technical part can be found in ATTACHMENT_NO_1.
b. The declaration of acceptance of the Sanction Clauses, which constitute ATTACHMENT NO. 2 to this RFP - completed and signed.

8.1 Formal documents:
• registration document,
• NIP certificate,
• Certificates of granting REGON,
• Powers of attorney to submit an offer,
• In the case of foreign entities - certificate of residence.

8.2 In addition:
• Certificate of no arrears in taxes not older than 3 months (issued by the Tax Office, applies to the Republic of Poland),
• Certificate of non-arrears in the payment of contributions from the Social Insurance Institution, not older than 3 months,
• Permit / concession or a declaration that the business activity does not require them,
• Financial statement for the last financial year (if required), CIT-8, PIT-B declaration or other document presenting  the contractor's financial situation.

9. Rafineria Gdańska Sp. Z o.o. reserves the right to cancel the contractor selection process, close the process without selecting a contractor and the possibility of negotiating with the selected bidder or bidders until the contract is signed / the order is issued. Choice the tenderer (s) for further negotiations does not constitute acceptance of the offer or the award of the tender within the meaning of the Civil Code. In this in the event, the Bidders are not entitled to any financial claims against Rafineria Gdańska Sp. z o.o.

10. Rafineria Gdańska Sp. z o.o. will reject offers with an abnormally low price, in accordance with the information attached to the Inquiry.

11. If the tender bid is selected, the Bidder shall be obliged to indicate commercial companies, towards which it is the dominating entity or the subsidiary, for the purpose of verification of settlements between the Contracting Authority and the Capital Group of the Bidder, within 3 working days from the date on which information about selection of the submitted tender bid is received.
For the purpose of such a declaration, a commercial company shall be considered dominating entity in the case, when:
a) it holds, directly or indirectly, the majority of votes during a shareholder assembly or a general assembly, also as a pledgee or a user, or in a management board of a different capital company (a subsidiary), including agreements made with third parties, or
b) is entitled to nominate or revoke the majority of the board members of a different capital company (subsidiary) or a co-operative (subsidiary co-operative), including agreements made with third parties, or
c) is entitled to nominate or revoke the majority of the members of supervisory board of a different capital company (subsidiary) or a co-operative (subsidiary co-operative), including agreements made with third parties, or
d) the members of its board comprise more than a half of the members of the board of a different capital company (subsidiary) or a co-operative (subsidiary co-operative), or
e) holds, directly or indirectly, the majority of votes in a personal subsidiary partnership or during a general assembly of a subsidiary co-operative, including agreements with third parties, or
f) has decisive influence on the operations of a capital subsidiary or a subsidiary co-operative.
If a declaration regarding the relationship of a domination or a subsidiary is not submitted within the aforementioned deadline, or if a false declaration is made, it may result in the submitted tender bid being rejected. The Bidder shall have no right to any claims towards the Contracting Authority in relation to such a situation. If a declaration is not made within the aforementioned deadline or if a false declaration is made, the Contracting Authority also reserves the right to claim compensation from the Bidder, according to the general regulations.

12. Any information provided in this document is intended solely for the purpose of preparing an Offer and in no event should be used in a different way and for different purposes.

13. Rafineria Gdańska Sp. z o.o. reserves the right to accept / reject the offer in whole or in part.

14. To order The General Terms and Conditions of the Order of Rafineria Gdańska Sp. z o.o. available at the link:
After the contractor selection process is completed, information about its result will be sent to the tenderers participating in the procedure.

• Rafineria Gdańska Sp. z o.o. informs that in its area there are regulations and provisions covering, inter alia, Health and safety, security fire and pass systems.
• Rafineria Gdańska Sp. z o.o. declares that no costs related to the preparation or delivery of the offer will be refunded or reimbursed tenderers received offers.
• Rafineria Gdańska Sp. z o.o. reserves the right to carry out any research aimed at checking the certificates and documents and submitted information and to explain the financial and technical aspects of the submitted offer.

• ATTACHMENT NO. 2 SRM/349129 – Sanctions statement (CN code if applies)

Yours faithfully,
Paulina Ohler-Tulińska


Lp. Nazwa produktu Ilość Jednostka Indeks Załącznik/Link Uwagi
1. Waste management/transportation,logistics/recovery of precious metals 1 komplet

Dodatkowe warunki formalne:

Termin płatności 30 dni daty otrzymania faktury/Payment terms 30 days from thedate of the invoice receipt (after delivery)
Przeczytałem i akceptuję Ogólne Warunki Zamówienia Rafinerii Gdańskiej Sp. z o.o. / I have read and accept the General Terms and Conditions of Rafineria Gdańska Sp. z o.o.
Warunki dostawy DAP Rafineria Gdańska Sp. z o.o./Terms ofdelivery DAP Rafineria Gdańska Sp. z o.o.
Ważność oferty min 90 dni/Offer validity min 90 days

Pytania do postępowania w ramach zapytania ofertowego "RG / ZT / 3889 / Waste management of spent catalysts with recovery of precious metals, PZP u.0410/0350/0440 TA2026 / SRM_349129 / PO"

Lp. Tytuł pytania Data wysłania pytania Status
Brak wyników do wyświetlenia


Załączniki dostępne po zalogowaniu

Waluta: EUR

Uwaga! Kupiec zażądał potwierdzenia udziału w postępowaniu do 2025-03-10 12:00:00

Data i godzina rozpoczęcia przyjmowania ofert:

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Data i godzina zakończenia przyjmowania ofert:

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Data i godzina zakończenia zadawania pytań:

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1. Nasza firma wykorzystuje Platformę zakupową Logintrade jako narzędzie do kontaktów z dostawcami.

2. Oferty handlowe przyjmowane są tylko przez platformę zakupową.

3. Rejestracja w bazie dostawców naszej firmy, przeglądanie zapytań ofertowych oraz składanie ofert handlowych jest bezpłatne.

4. Jeśli nie posiadasz konta na platformie zakupowej Logintrade zarejestruj się w bazie dostawców w celu otrzymania loginu i hasła do swojego konta. Jedno konto dostawcy umożliwia otrzymywanie zapytań ofertowych od wielu kupców.

5. Aby przeglądać zapytania ofertowe od firmy, która je złożyła, musisz być zarejestrowany w jej bazie dostawców.

6. Regulamin Platformy zakupowej jest dostępny w panelu rejestracyjnym.