Data wygenerowania zapytania ofertowego: 2025-03-05
6.1. Substantive questions
Any substantive questions regarding technical specifications should be asked through the Logintrade purchasing platform. Contact outside the designated path may result in the exclusion of the supplier from this contractor selection procedure.
6.2. Technical questions related to the operation of the Logintrade platform
If you have any questions regarding the operation of the Logintrade platform, please contact its operator directly at +48 71 787 35 34; e-mail:
6.3. Submission of offers
The Bidder submits an offer only via the Logintrade Procurement Platform.
Please present your offers in two pdf attachments - commercial and technical (without prices) - guidelines on how to post offers are given in the Attachment for the supplier. The offer should be made in Polish or English.
Along with the offer, it is absolutely required to confirm the requirements set out in the content of the request for proposal.
Please clearly indicate any deviations from the requirements of the request for quotation.
The substantive (technical) part must include:
a. Technical information required in the request for proposal, excluding the price,
b. Technical documentation, i.e. technical drawings, data sheets.
c. The offer should comply with the Technical Standards available at the link Technical standards shall prevail. In case of any deficiencies in the standard, use the latest API standards.
The commercial part includes:
a. Price for the subject of the inquiry with delivery to the registered office of Rafineria Gdańska Sp. z o.o. (Gdańsk).
b. Completed and written statement regarding the sanction clauses - Appendix No. 2
c. Formal documents
During the procurement procedure, Rafineria Gdańska Sp. z o.o. may ask for scans of the following documents:
• Registration document,
• Certificate of NIP (Tax Identification Number),
• Certificate of REGON (National Business Registry Number),
• Power of attorney to submit an offer,
• In the case of foreign entities – certificate of residence.
In addition:
• Certificate of no tax arrears not older than 3 months (issued by the Tax Office, applies to the Republic of Poland),
• Certificates of no arrears in the payment of contributions from the Social Insurance Institution not older than 3 months,
• Permit/concession or statement that the business activity does not require them,
• Financial statements for the last financial year (if required), CIT-8 declaration, PIT-B or other document presenting the situation financial value of the contractor
7. Financial security
Rafineria Gdańska Sp. z o.o. is entitled to verify the financial credibility of the counterparty in the procedure for the selection of a counterparty on the basis of financial documents available in the relevant register ( financial statements). The verification of the tenderer's financial situation will be carried out,, on the basis of the bidder's revenue disclosed in the financial statements available in the relevant register for the years preceding the verification (no more than 3 years). If the financial credibility of the bidder raises doubts about Rafineria Gdańska Sp. z o.o., Rafineria Gdańska Sp. z o.o. is entitled to demand from individual bidders or from each of them, at its own discretion, security for the proper performance (good performance) of the contract, in particular by submitting a bank or insurance guarantee, drawn up in the form and content previously accepted by Rafineria Gdańska Sp. z o.o. within the time limit and on the terms specified by Rafineria Gdańska Sp. z o.o. Failure of the bidder to submit the required security on time and on the terms specified by Rafineria Gdańska Sp. z o.o. may constitute grounds for exclusion of the bidder from the procedure. Failure to submit the required security on time and on the terms and conditions specified by Rafineria Gdańska Sp. z o.o. may constitute grounds for Rafineria Gdańska Sp. z o.o. to withdraw from the order for reasons attributable to the contractor. If Rafineria Gdańska Sp. z o.o. agrees to make an advance payment, on the day of signing the Order, but not later than before the advance payment is made, the contractor is obliged to provide Rafineria Gdańska Sp. z o.o. with a guarantee of return of the advance payment.
The Ordering Party has the right to transfer the rights resulting from the Guarantee to companies from the Capital Group to which the Ordering Party belongs, without the prior consent of the Contractor/Guarantor. Rafineria Gdańska Sp. z o.o. reserves the right to accept the issuer of the Guarantee and the content of the Guarantee, in accordance with the internal requirements of Rafineria Gdańska Sp. z o.o. All costs and commissions related to the Guarantees required by Rafineria Gdańska Sp. z o.o. should be borne by the contractor. If Rafineria Gdańska Sp. z o.o. agrees to make an advance payment, after signing the Order and within 30 days, after receiving the Advance Payment Guarantee, the Contractor will be obliged to deliver to Rafineria Gdańska Sp. z o.o. Guarantee of return of the advance payment in the amount of the advance payment, according to the requirements for the Guarantee applied in this section. The validity period of the Advance Payment Return Guarantee will cover
the period from the date of its issuance to the date of full settlement of the advance payment from systematically presented invoices by the Contractor, but no later than until the date of receipt of the subject of the Order by the Ordering Party, plus 30 days. The advance payment guarantee must be presented together with the advance invoice.
8. Rafineria Gdańska Sp. z o.o. reserves the right to cancel the process of selecting a contractor, to close the process without selecting a contractor and to negotiate with the selected bidder(s) until the contract is signed/the order is issued. The selection of the bidder(s) for further negotiations does not constitute acceptance of the offer or settlement of the tender within the meaning of the Civil Code. In such a case, the Bidders are not entitled to any financial claims against the Ordering Party.
9. The Ordering Party will reject offers containing a grossly low price, in accordance with the information attached to the Request for Proposal.
10. All information presented herein is intended for the sole purpose of preparing the Offer and should not be used in any other way and for other purposes under any circumstances.
11. Rafineria Gdańska Sp. z o.o. reserves the right to accept/reject the offer in whole or in part.
12. General Terms and Conditions of the Contract apply to orders, available at the following link: - PL: - ENG:
13. CSR clauses used in the procurement process are available at: - EN: - ENG:
• Rafineria Gdańska Sp. z o.o. informs that regulations and provisions are in force on its premises, including, others, health and safety, fire protection and pass systems.
• Rafineria Gdańska Sp. z o.o. declares that no costs related to the preparation or delivery of the offer will be reimbursed or the offers sent to the bidders will be refunded.
• Rafineria Gdańska Sp. z o.o. reserves the right to carry out any tests aimed at verifying certificates, documents and submitted information and to clarify the financial and technical aspects of the submitted offer.
After the contractor selection process is completed, information about the result will be sent to the bidders participating in the procedure.
Monika Dzieńkowska
Lp. | Nazwa produktu | Ilość | Jednostka | Indeks | Załącznik/Link | Uwagi |
1. | DEMISTER METAL 400X200/250 120C10 304L | 1 | szt. | CZ-5097539-516-210 |
120-C10 demister.pdf
Czytaj |
2. | DEMISTER METAL 1520X200/250 120V7 304L | 1 | szt. | CZ-5097539-516-211 |
120-V7 demister.pdf
Czytaj |
3. | DEMISTER METAL 1000X200/250 120V17 304L | 1 | szt. | - |
120-V17 demister.PDF
Czytaj |
4. | DEMISTER METAL 1900X200 920C3 316L | 1 | szt. | CZ-8097112-517-430 |
Czytaj |
5. | DEMISTER METAL 1750X200 920C4 316L | 1 | szt. | CZ-8097112-517-440 |
0920DR30123_r0_Rysunek poglądowy str 2.pdf
Czytaj |
6. | DEMISTER 1-SEGM. 2250x600x150 9820E2,3,4 321, METAL MESH WITH DENSITY 100KG/M3 | 1 | szt. | CZ-8097112-517-560 |
9820-E2-3-4 - gęstość.pdf
9820-E2-3-4 - wykaz.pdf 9820-E2-3-4 -1.pdf 9820-E2-3-4 -2.pdf |
Czytaj |
7. | DEMISTER 1-SEGM. 2250x660x150 9820E2,3,4 321, METAL MESH WITH DENSITY 100KG/M3 | 2 | szt. | CZ-8097112-517-570 |
9820-E2-3-4 - gęstość.pdf
9820-E2-3-4 -2.pdf 9820-E2-3-4 -1.pdf 9820-E2-3-4 - wykaz.pdf |
Czytaj |
8. | DEMISTER 1-SEGM. 580x580x150 9810V1 316L, DENSITY 160KG/M3, EFFICIENCY 99,9% | 1 | szt. | - |
Czytaj |
9. | DEMISTER 1-SEGM. 580x580x150 9820V1 316L, DENSITY 160KG/M3, EFFICIENCY 99,9% | 1 | szt. | - |
Czytaj |
10. | DEMISTER 1-SEGM. 630x600x50 280V4 316L | 1 | szt. | - |
Czytaj |
11. | DEMISTER 2-SEGM. FI640X200, 0350V08, MONEL | 1 | szt. | - |
0350-V8 demister.pdf
Czytaj |
12. | DEMISTER 4-SEGM. 1700X150 0410V01 MONEL | 1 | szt. | CZ-5095539-516-101 |
410 V1 demister.pdf
Czytaj |
13. | DEMISTER 4-SEGM. 1350X150, 0410V02, MONEL | 1 | szt. | CZ-5095539-515-620 |
410 V2 demister.pdf
Czytaj |
14. | DEMISTER 2-SEGM. 690X240, 0410V58, MONEL | 1 | szt. | CZ-5095539-516-107 |
410 V58 demister F99393.pdf
Czytaj |
15. | DEMISTER METAL 1-SEGM. FI-600X150, 0500V02, 316L | 1 | szt. | CZ-5095539-516-160 |
500 V2 demister FM81054.pdf
Czytaj |
16. | DEMISTER METAL 1300X200 920V4 316 | 1 | szt. | CZ-8097112-517-460 |
Czytaj |
Lp. | Tytuł pytania | Data wysłania pytania | Status |
1. | wymiary poz.3 | 2025-02-25 12:36 |
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2. | Desmistery z pozycji 5, 6 i 7 | 2025-02-25 12:27 |
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3. | zakres dostawy | 2025-02-20 15:23 |
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4. | srednica demistera nr 3 | 2025-02-19 15:27 |
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5. | pozycja 8 i 9 | 2025-02-18 10:36 |
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Załączniki dostępne po zalogowaniu
Waluta: EUR
Data i godzina rozpoczęcia przyjmowania ofert:
- - :Data i godzina zakończenia przyjmowania ofert:
- - :Data i godzina zakończenia zadawania pytań:
- - :1. Nasza firma wykorzystuje Platformę zakupową Logintrade jako narzędzie do kontaktów z dostawcami.
2. Oferty handlowe przyjmowane są tylko przez platformę zakupową.
3. Rejestracja w bazie dostawców naszej firmy, przeglądanie zapytań ofertowych oraz składanie ofert handlowych jest bezpłatne.
4. Jeśli nie posiadasz konta na platformie zakupowej Logintrade zarejestruj się w bazie dostawców w celu otrzymania loginu i hasła do swojego konta. Jedno konto dostawcy umożliwia otrzymywanie zapytań ofertowych od wielu kupców.
5. Aby przeglądać zapytania ofertowe od firmy, która je złożyła, musisz być zarejestrowany w jej bazie dostawców.
6. Regulamin Platformy zakupowej jest dostępny w panelu rejestracyjnym.