Data wygenerowania zapytania ofertowego: 2025-01-17

ORLEN Petrobaltic S.A.

Stary Dwór 9

80-758 Gdańsk

NIP: 5830003042


Anna Filipkowska




Tytuł zapytania

Treść zapytania:

Szanowni Państwo,

ORLEN Petrobaltic S. A. (zwana dalej „Zamawiającym”) z siedzibą w Gdańsku, przy ul. Stary Dwór 9, zaprasza Wykonawców/Dostawców do zapoznania się z zapytaniem ofertowym i do złożenia oferty.

Przedmiot zapytania:

1. Automatyczny zawór czopowy kulowy NS 2’’ 1500RJ – 1 szt.
TAG No: 36-SDV-121
Size: 2"
Pressure rating / class: 1500
End Connections: ASME B16.5, RJ Flanged (Ring Gasket R24)
Op. Pressure max: 145 bar
Design Pressure: 180 barg
Op. Temperature: 50 degC
Design Temperature: -10 degC + 80 degC
Fluid / process medium: liquid hydrocarbons
Fluid Mass density: 500 kg/m3
Design Code: API 6D
Fire Safe Design Code: ISO 10497 / API 607/ API 6FA
Body Material: ASTM A350 Gr. LF2
Packing: ring, graphite
Bonnet: bolted, ASTM A350 Gr. LF2
Stem: High Strength SST / 17-4 PH SST
Seat seal: graphite or 25% carbon filled PTFE or carbon fibre filled PEEK
Ball material: 316 SST hard faced (Tungsten Carbide)
Painting system: for offshore environment according to EN 12944: corrosivity category CX, durability category H, RAL 7035
Hazardous area classification: Zone2, Group IIB, Class T4

ATEX 2014/34/EU declaration of conformity
Fugitive Emission certification to ISO 15848
PED 2014/68/EU Declaration of conformity
Fire safe certification

Pneumatic Actuator:
Type: rotary
Action type: single acting, spring return
Body material: stainless steel or painted Carbon Steel
Power Failure Action: CLOSED
Cylinder Design Pressure & Temperature: 10 barg /-10 + 80 degC
Actuator minimum torque values shall be 1.5 times the required valve torque at design conditions

Limit switch:
Switch type: proximity switch, 2 x SPDT
Area clasiffication / certification: Flame proof / Explosion proof ATEX Exd, IIB or IIC, T4, IP 66
Body material: 316 SST
Cable entries: 2 x M20
Separate stainless steel TAG No. Plate to be provided and attached to each valve.

Required documents to be provided:
• Product Data Sheet for valve
• Product Data Sheet for actuator
• Cross sectional drawing with parts list for valve
• Cross sectional drawing with parts list for actuator
• Operating Manual for valve
• Operating Manual for actuator
• Limit switch product data & ATEX certificate
• ATEX 2014/34/EU declaration of conformity for valve
• ATEX 2014/34/EU declaration of conformity for actuator
• PED 2014/68/EU Declaration of conformity for valve
• Fugitive Emission certification for valve
• Fire safe certification for valve
• Valve – Actuator Sizing Calculation (Torque and Time to open/close)
• EN 10204 type 3.1 certificates for Body, Ball, Stem

2. Zawór czopowy kulowy NS 3’’ 1500RJ – 2 szt.
TAG No: 36-VB-2" 1500-SPARE
TAG No: 36-VB-2" 1500-SPARE
Size: 3"
Pressure rating / class: 1500
End Connections: ASME B16.5, RJ Flanged (Ring Gasket R35)
Op. Pressure max.: 145 bar
Design Pressure: 180 barg
Op. Temperature: 50 degC
Design Temperature: -10 degC + 80 degC
Fluid / process medium: natural gas
Gas mass density: 200 kg/m3
Design Code: API 6D
Fire Safe Design Code: ISO 10497 / API 607/ API 6FA
Body Material: ASTM A350 Gr. LF2
Packing: ring, graphite
Bonnet: bolted, ASTM A350 Gr. LF2
Stem: High Strength SST / 17-4 PH SST
Seat seal: graphite or 25% carbon filled PTFE or carbon fibre filled PEEK
Ball material: 316 SST hard faced (Tungsten Carbide)
Painting system: for offshore environment according to EN 12944: corrosivity category CX, durability category H, RAL 7035
Hazardous area classification: Zone2, Group IIB, Class T4

ATEX 2014/34/EU declaration of conformity
Fugitive Emission certification to ISO 15848
PED 2014/68/EU Declaration of conformity
Fire safe certification

Separate stainless steel TAG No. Plate to be provided and attached to each valve.

Required documents to be provided:
• Product Data Sheet for valve
• Cross sectional drawing with parts list for valve
• Operating Manual for valve
• ATEX 2014/34/EU declaration of conformity for valve
• PED 2014/68/EU Declaration of conformity for valve
• Fugitive Emission certification for valve
• Fire safe certification for valve
• EN 10204 type 3.1 certificates for Body, Ball, Stem

3. Zawór czopowy kulowy NS 2" 1500RJ – 2 szt.
TAG No: 36-VB-2" 1500-SPARE
TAG No: 36-VB-2" 1500-SPARE
Size: 2"
Pressure rating / class: 1500
End Connections: ASME B16.5, RJ Flanged (Ring Gasket R24)
Op. Pressure max.: 145 bar
Design Pressure: 180 barg
Op. Temperature: 50 degC
Design Temperature: -10 degC + 80 degC
Fluid / process medium: natural gas
Gas mass density: 200 kg/m3
Design Code: API 6D
Fire Safe Design Code: ISO 10497 / API 607/ API 6FA
Body Material: ASTM A350 Gr. LF2
Packing: ring, graphite
Bonnet: bolted, ASTM A350 Gr. LF2
Stem: High Strength SST / 17-4 PH SST
Seat seal: graphite or 25% carbon filled PTFE or carbon fibre filled PEEK
Ball material: 316 SST hard faced (Tungsten Carbide)
Painting system: for offshore environment according to EN 12944: corrosivity category CX, durability category H, RAL 7035
Hazardous area classification: Zone2, Group IIB, Class T4

ATEX 2014/34/EU declaration of conformity
Fugitive Emission certification to ISO 15848
PED 2014/68/EU Declaration of conformity
Fire safe certification

Separate stainless steel TAG No. Plate to be provided and attached to each valve.

Required documents to be provided:
• Product Data Sheet for valve
• Cross sectional drawing with parts list for valve
• Operating Manual for valve
• ATEX 2014/34/EU declaration of conformity for valve
• PED 2014/68/EU Declaration of conformity for valve
• Fugitive Emission certification for valve
• Fire safe certification for valve
• EN 10204 type 3.1 certificates for Body, Ball, Stem

4. Zawór czopowy kulowy NS 4" 1500RJ – 1 szt.
TAG No: 36-VB-4" 1500-SPARE
Size: 4"
Pressure rating / class: 1500
End Connections: ASME B16.5, RJ Flanged (Ring Gasket R39)
Op. Pressure max.: 145 bar
Design Pressure: 180 barg
Op. Temperature: 50 degC
Design Temperature: -10 degC + 80 degC
Fluid / process medium: natural gas
Gas mass density: 200 kg/m3
Design Code: API 6D
Fire Safe Design Code: ISO 10497 / API 607/ API 6FA
Body Material: ASTM A350 Gr. LF2
Packing: ring, graphite
Bonnet: bolted, ASTM A350 Gr. LF2
Stem: High Strength SST / 17-4 PH SST
Seat seal: graphite or 25% carbon filled PTFE or carbon fibre filled PEEK
Ball material: 316 SST hard faced (Tungsten Carbide)
Painting system: for offshore environment according to EN 12944: corrosivity category CX, durability category H, RAL 7035
Hazardous area classification: Zone2, Group IIB, Class T4

ATEX 2014/34/EU declaration of conformity
Fugitive Emission certification to ISO 15848
PED 2014/68/EU Declaration of conformity
Fire safe certification

Separate stainless steel TAG No. Plate to be provided and attached to each valve.

Required documents to be provided:
• Product Data Sheet for valve
• Cross sectional drawing with parts list for valve
• Operating Manual for valve
• ATEX 2014/34/EU declaration of conformity for valve
• PED 2014/68/EU Declaration of conformity for valve
• Fugitive Emission certification for valve
• Fire safe certification for valve
• EN 10204 type 3.1 certificates for Body, Ball, Stem

Kontrahent zostanie wyłoniony zgodnie z wewnętrzną procedurą Zamawiającego, w nieograniczonym procesie wyboru kontrahenta, a kryterium wyboru będzie:
a) Cena
b) Termin realizacji
d) Ocena techniczna oferty

W celu wyłonienia kontrahenta prosimy o złożenie oferty zgodnie z wytycznymi zawartymi
w niniejszym zaproszeniu do złożenia oferty.
Sposób złożenia oferty: poprzez platformę zakupową LOGINTRADE.
Termin rozpoczęcia składania oferty: 24.01.2025, godz. 10:00
Termin złożenia oferty: 31.01.2025, godz. 10.00.
Pytania należy zadawać wyłącznie przez Platformę Zakupową Logintrade do dnia 22.01.2025 do godz. 11:00. Na pytania zadane po terminie nie będą udzielane odpowiedzi.

Oferta powinna zawierać:
1. Ofertę zawierającą cenę jednostkową Produktu, uwzględniającą koszt transportu do siedziby Zamawiającego na warunkach DDP, ORLEN Petrobaltic S.A, ul. Stary Dwór 9, 80-758 Gdańsk, Incoterms 2020;
2. Warunki płatności – 30 dni od daty doręczenia prawidłowo wystawionej faktury;
3. Określenie terminu realizacji Zamówienia;
4. Warunki gwarancji na Produkty – na okres 24 miesięcy od daty dostarczenia całego Zamówienia;
5. Określenie kraju pochodzenia oferowanego Produktu – oferty producentów chińskich i rosyjskich nie będą brane pod uwagę;
6. Okres ważności oferty (wymagane minimum 30 dni);

1. Wykonawca zobowiązany jest zapoznać się z informacjami zawartymi w niniejszym zaproszeniu do złożenia oferty i przygotować ofertę zgodnie z wymaganiami określonymi w tym dokumencie.
2. Zamawiający nie będzie ponosić jakichkolwiek kosztów Wykonawcy związanych ze sporządzeniem oferty i udziałem wykonawcy w ewentualnych negocjacjach.
3. Zamawiający informuje, że wymagane jest złożenie oferty na pełny zakres zapytania ofertowego.
4. Zamawiający zastrzega sobie prawo odrzucenia oferty Wykonawcy bez podania przyczyny.
5. Zamawiający zastrzega sobie prawo do odwołania niniejszego zaproszenia do złożenia oferty bez podania przyczyny oraz możliwość przeprowadzenia negocjacji z wybranym Wykonawcą lub Wykonawcami do chwili podpisania umowy. Wybór Wykonawcy lub Wykonawców do dalszych negocjacji nie stanowi przyjęcia oferty ani rozstrzygnięcia przetargu w rozumieniu polskiego kodeksu cywilnego.
6. Zamawiający zastrzega, że wszystkie informacje przekazane w niniejszym zaproszeniu do złożenia oferty oraz wszelkie inne informacje i dokumenty jakie zostaną przekazane Wykonawcy w związku z przygotowaniem oferty stanowią prawnie chronioną tajemnicę przedsiębiorstwa Zamawiającego.
7. Zamawiający zastrzega sobie prawo, aż do upływu terminu składania Ofert, wprowadzenia zmian w Zapytaniu Ofertowym, o którym zobowiązany jest zawiadomić wszystkich Wykonawców.
8. Zamawiający informuje, że w przypadku opóźnienia w realizacji Zamówienia będzie uprawniony do żądania od Wykonawcy zapłaty kary umownej w wysokości 0,5% Wartości Przedmiotu Zamówienia za każdy rozpoczęty dzień opóźnienia.
9. Do zamówienia będą miały zastosowanie aktualnie obowiązujące w ORLEN Petrobaltic S.A. „Ogólne warunki zamówienia”, stanowiące załącznik do niniejszego zaproszenia.
Wszelkie uwagi do treści wspomnianego dokumentu można zgłaszać na etapie składania ofert.

Dear Sirs,

ORLEN Petrobaltic S.A. (hereinafter referred to as the "Employer/Buyer") with its registered office in Gdańsk, at Stary Dwór 9, invites Contractors/Suppliers to read the tender enquiry and to place an offer.

The subject of the inquiry:

1. Trunnion Ball Valve NS 2’’ ASME B16.5 cl. 1500 RJ, FULL BORE with pneumatic actuator & limit switch - 1 pcs.
TAG No: 36-SDV-121
Size: 2"
Pressure rating / class: 1500
End Connections: ASME B16.5, RJ Flanged (Ring Gasket R24)
Op. Pressure max: 145 bar
Design Pressure: 180 barg
Op. Temperature: 50 degC
Design Temperature: -10 degC + 80 degC
Fluid / process medium: liquid hydrocarbons
Fluid Mass density: 500 kg/m3
Design Code: API 6D
Fire Safe Design Code: ISO 10497 / API 607/ API 6FA
Body Material: ASTM A350 Gr. LF2
Packing: ring, graphite
Bonnet: bolted, ASTM A350 Gr. LF2
Stem: High Strength SST / 17-4 PH SST
Seat seal: graphite or 25% carbon filled PTFE or carbon fibre filled PEEK
Ball material: 316 SST hard faced (Tungsten Carbide)
Painting system: for offshore environment according to EN 12944: corrosivity category CX, durability category H, RAL 7035
Hazardous area classification: Zone2, Group IIB, Class T4

ATEX 2014/34/EU declaration of conformity
Fugitive Emission certification to ISO 15848
PED 2014/68/EU Declaration of conformity
Fire safe certification

Pneumatic Actuator:
Type: rotary
Action type: single acting, spring return
Body material: stainless steel or painted Carbon Steel
Power Failure Action: CLOSED
Cylinder Design Pressure & Temperature: 10 barg /-10 + 80 degC
Actuator minimum torque values shall be 1.5 times the required valve torque at design conditions

Limit switch:
Switch type: proximity switch, 2 x SPDT
Area clasiffication / certification: Flame proof / Explosion proof ATEX Exd, IIB or IIC, T4, IP 66
Body material: 316 SST
Cable entries: 2 x M20
Separate stainless steel TAG No. Plate to be provided and attached to each valve.

Required documents to be provided:
• Product Data Sheet for valve
• Product Data Sheet for actuator
• Cross sectional drawing with parts list for valve
• Cross sectional drawing with parts list for actuator
• Operating Manual for valve
• Operating Manual for actuator
• Limit switch product data & ATEX certificate
• ATEX 2014/34/EU declaration of conformity for valve
• ATEX 2014/34/EU declaration of conformity for actuator
• PED 2014/68/EU Declaration of conformity for valve
• Fugitive Emission certification for valve
• Fire safe certification for valve
• Valve – Actuator Sizing Calculation (Torque and Time to open/close)
• EN 10204 type 3.1 certificates for Body, Ball, Stem

2. Trunnion Ball Valve NS 3’’ ASME B16.5 cl. 1500 RJ, Reduced Bore - 2 pcs.
TAG No: 36-VB-2’’1500-SPARE
TAG No: 36-VB-2’’1500-SPARE
Size: 3"
Pressure rating / class: 1500
End Connections: ASME B16.5, RJ Flanged (Ring Gasket R35)
Op. Pressure max.: 145 bar
Design Pressure: 180 barg
Op. Temperature: 50 degC
Design Temperature: -10 degC + 80 degC
Fluid / process medium: natural gas
Gas mass density: 200 kg/m3
Design Code: API 6D
Fire Safe Design Code: ISO 10497 / API 607/ API 6FA
Body Material: ASTM A350 Gr. LF2
Packing: ring, graphite
Bonnet: bolted, ASTM A350 Gr. LF2
Stem: High Strength SST / 17-4 PH SST
Seat seal: graphite or 25% carbon filled PTFE or carbon fibre filled PEEK
Ball material: 316 SST hard faced (Tungsten Carbide)
Painting system: for offshore environment according to EN 12944: corrosivity category CX, durability category H, RAL 7035
Hazardous area classification: Zone2, Group IIB, Class T4

ATEX 2014/34/EU declaration of conformity
Fugitive Emission certification to ISO 15848
PED 2014/68/EU Declaration of conformity
Fire safe certification

Separate stainless steel TAG No. Plate to be provided and attached to each valve.

Required documents to be provided:
• Product Data Sheet for valve
• Cross sectional drawing with parts list for valve
• Operating Manual for valve
• ATEX 2014/34/EU declaration of conformity for valve
• PED 2014/68/EU Declaration of conformity for valve
• Fugitive Emission certification for valve
• Fire safe certification for valve
• EN 10204 type 3.1 certificates for Body, Ball, Stem

3. Trunnion Ball Valve NS 2’’ ASME B16.5 cl. 1500 RJ, Reduced Bore - 2 pcs.
TAG No: 36-VB-2’’1500-SPARE
TAG No: 36-VB-2’’1500-SPARE
Size: 2"
Pressure rating / class: 1500
End Connections: ASME B16.5, RJ Flanged (Ring Gasket R24)
Op. Pressure max.: 145 bar
Design Pressure: 180 barg
Op. Temperature: 50 degC
Design Temperature: -10 degC + 80 degC
Fluid / process medium: natural gas
Gas mass density: 200 kg/m3
Design Code: API 6D
Fire Safe Design Code: ISO 10497 / API 607/ API 6FA
Body Material: ASTM A350 Gr. LF2
Packing: ring, graphite
Bonnet: bolted, ASTM A350 Gr. LF2
Stem: High Strength SST / 17-4 PH SST
Seat seal: graphite or 25% carbon filled PTFE or carbon fibre filled PEEK
Ball material: 316 SST hard faced (Tungsten Carbide)
Painting system: for offshore environment according to EN 12944: corrosivity category CX, durability category H, RAL 7035
Hazardous area classification: Zone2, Group IIB, Class T4

ATEX 2014/34/EU declaration of conformity
Fugitive Emission certification to ISO 15848
PED 2014/68/EU Declaration of conformity
Fire safe certification

Separate stainless steel TAG No. Plate to be provided and attached to each valve.

Required documents to be provided:
• Product Data Sheet for valve
• Cross sectional drawing with parts list for valve
• Operating Manual for valve
• ATEX 2014/34/EU declaration of conformity for valve
• PED 2014/68/EU Declaration of conformity for valve
• Fugitive Emission certification for valve
• Fire safe certification for valve
• EN 10204 type 3.1 certificates for Body, Ball, Stem

4. Trunnion Ball Valve NS 4’’ ASME B16.5 cl. 1500 RJ, Full Bore - 1 pcs.
TAG No: 36-VB-4’’1500-SPARE
Size: 4"
Pressure rating / class: 1500
End Connections: ASME B16.5, RJ Flanged (Ring Gasket R39)
Op. Pressure max.: 145 bar
Design Pressure: 180 barg
Op. Temperature: 50 degC
Design Temperature: -10 degC + 80 degC
Fluid / process medium: natural gas
Gas mass density: 200 kg/m3
Design Code: API 6D
Fire Safe Design Code: ISO 10497 / API 607/ API 6FA
Body Material: ASTM A350 Gr. LF2
Packing: ring, graphite
Bonnet: bolted, ASTM A350 Gr. LF2
Stem: High Strength SST / 17-4 PH SST
Seat seal: graphite or 25% carbon filled PTFE or carbon fibre filled PEEK
Ball material: 316 SST hard faced (Tungsten Carbide)
Painting system: for offshore environment according to EN 12944: corrosivity category CX, durability category H, RAL 7035
Hazardous area classification: Zone2, Group IIB, Class T4

ATEX 2014/34/EU declaration of conformity
Fugitive Emission certification to ISO 15848
PED 2014/68/EU Declaration of conformity
Fire safe certification

Separate stainless steel TAG No. Plate to be provided and attached to each valve.

Required documents to be provided:
• Product Data Sheet for valve
• Cross sectional drawing with parts list for valve
• Operating Manual for valve
• ATEX 2014/34/EU declaration of conformity for valve
• PED 2014/68/EU Declaration of conformity for valve
• Fugitive Emission certification for valve
• Fire safe certification for valve
• EN 10204 type 3.1 certificates for Body, Ball, Stem

Supplier will be selected according to the internal procedures of the Employer, in an open partner selection process and key selection criterion will be:
a) Price
b) Delivery time
c) Technical opinion

Start for submission of tender: January 24th, 2025, 10:00 AM
Deadline for submission of tender: January 31st, 2025, 10:00 AM
Questions should be asked only via the Logintrade Procurement Platform till January 22nd, 2025, 11.00 AM. Questions asked after the deadline will not be answered.

Formal criteria of the quotation:
1. Quotation with unit net price of the Product, including delivery to ORLEN Petrobaltic S.A, ul. Stary Dwór 9, 80-758 Gdańsk, DDP Incoterms 2020;
2. Payment terms – net 30 days after invoice receipt;
3. Determination of contract completion date;
4. Warranty terms for Products - for a period of 24 months from the date of delivery of the entire Order;
5. Indication of the country of origin of the offered Product - offers from Chinese and Russian manufacturers will not be taken into consideration;
6. Offer validity (minimum 30 days required).

Reservations of the ordering party:
1. The Contractor is obliged to refer to the information contained in this invitation to tender and its annexes and prepare a tender in accordance to the requirements specified in this document.
2. The Employer shall not be liable for any costs of the Contractor concerning the preparation of the offer and attended by the Contractor in any negotiations.
3. The Employer informs that it is required to submit a tender for the full scope of the request for quotation.
4. The Employer reserves the right to reject the offer of the Contractor for any reason.
5. The Employer reserves the right to cancel this tender without giving any reason and the ability to conduct negotiations with the selected Contractor or Contractors till the time of signing the contract. The choice of the Contractor or Contractors for further negotiations does not constitute acceptance of the offer within meaning of the Polish Civil Code.
6. The Employer reserves, that all information provided in this invitation to tender and any other information and documents that will be submitted to the Contractor in connection with the preparation of the bid are legally protected business secret Employer.
7. The Employer reserves the right, until the deadline for submitting tenders, to make changes to the inquiry, about which it is obliged to notify all Suppliers.
8. The Employer informs that in case of delays in Order execution shall be entitled to demand payment of a contractual penalty from the Contractor in the amount of 0.5% of the Order Value for each and every commenced day of the delay.
9. The order shall be subject to the currently binding ORLEN Petrobaltic S.A. "General Conditions of Order" which constitute an appendix to this invitation.
Any comments to the content of this document can be made at the stage of submitting offers.


Lp. Nazwa produktu Ilość Jednostka Indeks Załącznik/Link Uwagi
1. Trunnion Ball Valve NS 2’’ ASME B16.5 cl. 1500 RJ, FULL BORE with pneumatic actuator & limit switch 1 szt.
2. Trunnion Ball Valve NS 3" ASME B16.5 cl. 1500 RJ, Reduced Bore 2 szt.
3. Trunnion Ball Valve NS 2" ASME B16.5 cl. 1500 RJ, Reduced Bore 2 szt.
4. Trunnion Ball Valve NS 4" ASME B16.5 cl. 1500 RJ, Full Bore 1 szt.

Dodatkowe warunki formalne:

Pytania do postępowania w ramach zapytania ofertowego "Zawory czopowe NS/Trunnion Ball Valve NS /160039589/"

Lp. Tytuł pytania Data wysłania pytania Status
Brak wyników do wyświetlenia


Waluta: PLN

Data i godzina rozpoczęcia przyjmowania ofert:

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Data i godzina zakończenia przyjmowania ofert:

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Data i godzina zakończenia zadawania pytań:

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1. Nasza firma wykorzystuje Platformę zakupową Logintrade jako narzędzie do kontaktów z dostawcami.

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3. Rejestracja w bazie dostawców naszej firmy, przeglądanie zapytań ofertowych oraz składanie ofert handlowych jest bezpłatne.

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