Data wygenerowania zapytania ofertowego: 2024-10-04

Rafineria Gdańska Sp. z o.o.

ul. Elbląska 135

80-718 Gdańsk

NIP: 5832850390


Paulina Białousów LA



ZAPYTANIE OFERTOWE NR Z39/460296/aktualizacja1

Uwaga! Zapytanie zostało zaktualizowane w dniu 2024-10-04 r. o godzinie 13:26:32. Jeśli złożyli Państwo wcześniej ofertę, należy przesłać ją jeszcze raz.

Tytuł zapytania

Treść zmian (aktualizacja):

Added Annex no 6_ Instruction of calculation abnormal price

Treść zapytania:

Dear Sirs,

Rafineria Gdańska Sp. z o.o. Rafineria Gdanska/RG/ The Ordering Party/ Contracting Authority is pleased to invite your company to submit a competitive Offer / Bid/ Bid Proposal/ Proposal for:

Development of the feasibility Study for the implementation of Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) technology on Hydrogen Generation Units (HGUs)

The Contractor's primary objective is to provide a Feasibility Study to check and confirm the viability of implementing a CO2 capture installation from hydrogen generation units (HGU's) located in Rafineria Gdańska.

Scope of work

The scope of the Feasibility Study in general is divided into two phases:
Phase I: technology review and selection, hereinafter “Phase 1”
Phase II: technology configuration, hereinafter “Phase 2” divided into part 1 and part 2

Below is a more detailed description of the phases mentioned:

a) Phase I (technology review and selection) is divided into 2 main sections: CO2 capture and preparation for transportation. The Contractor shall perform screening and comparison of commercially available technologies that can be implemented in planned CC complex and give recommendations, which option is the best for reaching the desired carbon capture goal (according to demands of Rafineria Gdańska). Very important is to take into consideration economical balance, energy efficiency, flexibility for further expansion of CC on other production units or emission streams etc.

b) Phase II (technology configuration) where Contractor is obliged to provide an extensive description of the technologies previously recommended with proposed specific solutions for considered units.
This Phase is divided into:
part 1
• Technical and technological aspects of the technologies and their configuration (including process impacts and scope of modernisation required on existing HGU units)
• Locations concept in relation to HGU I, HGU II and HGU III Production Plant
Hereinafter „Part 1”

Part 2:
• Logistic concept
• Economic ( CAPEX estimate, OPEX estimate)
• Implementation schedule (including estimation of time needed for permission, construction and factoring in cost and EU ETS price analysis).
• Economical evaluation
• Summary
Hereinafter „Part 2”

The detailed scope of works is in the Annex no 1 to this RFP.

Annex No. 1, will be sent to interested Contractor, after sending the signed (scan in case of signed in writing, the original shall be sent within 5 working days; signed electronically) Annex no 5 Bidder's Information Protection Statement.
The signed statement electronically or a scan (in case of a statement signed in writing), shall be sent to the email address:
and/or by post to:
Rafineria Gdańska Sp. z o.o,
Paulina Białousów
135 Elbląska St,
80-718 Gdańsk.

Site visit is not mandatory however it is recommended.
The site inspection may take place from 09.10.2024 till 24.10.2024
The date of the site inspection should be agreed by phone with Mr. Oskar Witt at tel. no. 509 798 727, email address:

Any Bidder’s questions (included those to Essential Terms of the Contract) in the Polish or English language shall be submitted up to 24.10.2024 2.00 PM (CET) Polish Zone time the latest, via Procurement Platform. Questions received after that date will not be considered.

The Proposal shall be submitted in the English or Polish language up to 05.11.2024 , 02.00 pm (CET- polish time zone) the latest, via Procurement Platform. The documents of Proposal attached to the Procurement Platform, including Proposal, shall be sealed and with RFP subject, complete company’s name and the address of the Bidder. The documents of Proposal shall be signed by a duly authorized person acting on behalf of the Bidder or by officer authorized by Power of Attorney. Any proposal not complying with these conditions may not be considered.

The bidder has the right, without legal consequences, to modify or withdraw its Proposal before the final Proposal submission deadline.
After withdrawal of its Proposal, the bidder has the right to submit a new Proposal provided that it is submitted before the final Proposal submission deadline.

Lump Price
Technical evaluation of the Offer


The Ordering Party informs that:
- Rafineria Gdańska Sp. z o.o. shall not be liable for any expenses incurred by the Bidder in the preparation and submission of the Proposal;
- Rafineria Gdańska Sp. z o.o.will not return once received Proposal;
- In case this purchasing process is closed without selection of any offer, the bidders shall not be entitled to any compensation;
- Rafineria Gdańska Sp. z o.o. reserves the right to correspond with Bidders through e-mail address indicated by the Bidders;
- Rafineria Gdańska Sp. z o.o. reserves the right to call off request for proposal at any time without giving any reasons; in this case, the Bidders are not entitled to any claims against the Ordering Party;
- Rafineria Gdańska Sp. z o.o. reserves the right to end the Contractor Selection Process without selection of any Proposal; In that case, the Bidders shall not be entitled to any compensation;
- after Proposals submission, the Proposals will be evaluated in accordance with the criteria established by the Ordering Party;
- choosing the Bidder for further negotiations shall not be considered as a final result of the Proposal evaluation process and does not mean awarding of the Contractor or selection of tenderer according to the regulations of the Polish Civil Code [pol. Kodeks Cywilny],
- this RFP shall not be considered as a Bid or Tender [pol. Oferta] , as a result of which a Contractor is selected, according to the regulations of Polish Civil Code [pol. Kodeks Cywilny];
- reserves the right to make changes in this enquiry up to Proposals submission deadline and shall inform in such case all Bidders about these changes;
- afterProposals submission and their evaluation Rafineria Gdańska Sp. z o.o. reserves the right for further negotiations with one selected Bidder or a few selected Bidders;
- Proposals assessment will be carried out by a Committee appointed by the Ordering Party. Activities of the Committee will be carried out according to rules set out in Instruction no. RG.„Procurement of goods and services”, available for inspection in the Ordering Party’s headquarters, in Services Procurement Department, in Gdańsk, at Elbląska Street 135;
- will reject Proposals containing abnormally low prices, in accordance with the information attached to the Inquiry,
- the Contractors/ Bidders are required to comply with the Principles of Social Responsibility contained in the CSR Standards for Contractors of the Rafineria Gdańska, available at
- This Contractor Selection Process is run according to Rafineria Gdańska Sp. z o.o. procedure no. RG. titled „Procurement of goods and services”. In cases not governed by the above mentioned procedure terms of Civil Code shall apply.
- All information set out in this document are intended only for the purposes necessary form the offer preparation and in no event shall they be used for any other way or reason.

With kind regards,
Paulina Bialousow


Lp. Nazwa produktu Ilość Jednostka Indeks Załącznik/Link Uwagi
1. Phase I: technology review and selection, hereinafter “Phase 1” 1 usługa
2. Phase II: technology configuration, hereinafter “Phase 2” 1 usługa

Dodatkowe warunki formalne:

Pytania do postępowania w ramach zapytania ofertowego "PWK ZU/165/2024/PB Development of the feasibility Study for the implementation of Carbon Capture abd Storage (CCS) technology on Hydrogen Generation Unit (HGUs) "

Lp. Tytuł pytania Data wysłania pytania Status
Brak wyników do wyświetlenia


Waluta: EUR

Data i godzina rozpoczęcia przyjmowania ofert:

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Data i godzina zakończenia przyjmowania ofert:

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Data i godzina zakończenia zadawania pytań:

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