Data wygenerowania zapytania ofertowego: 2024-06-12

LOTOS Petrobaltic S.A.

Stary Dwór 9

80-758 Gdańsk

NIP: 5830003042


Marta Mazur



ZAPYTANIE OFERTOWE NR Z63/113057/aktualizacja1

Tytuł zapytania

Treść zmian (aktualizacja):

We have added the following provision to the body of the request for proposal. “Deadline for delivery of products to the Purchaser/Purchaser's premises no later than July 10, 2024.” The existing bids have been moved to the archive. We kindly request you to submit a new bid with the update of the above provision by Jun 17, 2024 at 10 AM.

Treść zapytania:

Dear Sirs,

LOTOS Petrobaltic S.A. (hereinafter referred to as the "Employer/Buyer") with its registered office in Gdańsk, at ul. Stary Dwór 9, invites Contractors/Suppliers to read the tender enquiry and to place an offer:
I. Description of the purchase object:
Thule VSM 300 Screen:
API 30 - 10 pcs.
API 40 - 10 pcs.
API 50 - 10 pcs
API 80 - 20 pcs.
API 100 - 20 pcs.

The Employer/Buyer only allows new and original products manufactured in Europe, USA and Canada.
Date of delivery of products to the Employer/Buyer premises no later than July 10th, 2024

II. Parameters:
Supplier will be selected according to the internal procedures of Buyer, in an open partner selection process and key selection criterion will be:
• Price
• Delivery time
• Technical opinion
III. The method and dates of submitting the offer:
• Contractor is required to read the information contained in this invitation to tender and prepare the offer in accordance with the requirements specified in this document.
• The offer must be submitted via the LOGINTRADE Purchasing Platform, attaching at the same time a scan of the complete offer with attachments. Bids sent by other means will not be considered.
• Please attach the technical specification of the offered product to the bid. Lack of the listed document may result in rejection of the bid.
• All correspondence within this tender shall be conducted using the LOGINTRADE Purchasing Platform.
• The Contractor may submit only one offer.
• Deadline for submission of tender: June 17th, 2024, 10:00AM

IV. Contents of the offer:
The offer should comprise:
• Price Form with unit net price of the Product including the freight cost the Employer’s facility on the basis of DDP, LOTOS Petrobaltic S.A, ul. Stary Dwór 9, 80-758 Gdańsk, Incoterms 2020;
• Payment terms - payment 30 days after delivery;
• Please provide bank account number;
• Determination of contract completion date;
• Offer validity period (minimum 30 days required);
V. Reservations of the buyer:
• Buyer shall not be liable for any costs associated with the preparation of the Supplier's tender and Supplier's participation in any negotiations.
• Buyer reserves the right to reject the bid of the Supplier for any reason.
• Buyer reserves the right to cancel this invitation to tender without giving any reason and reserves opportunity to negotiate with the selected Supplier or Suppliers. Selecting a Supplier or Suppliers for further negotiations does not constitute acceptance of the offer or the allotment within the meaning of the Polish Civil Code
• Buyer reserves the right to cancel this procedure at any stage, also after notification of the selection of the Supplier or Suppliers with whom it will negotiate, or after starting negotiations, without giving any reason
• Buyer reserves that all information provided in this invitation to tender, and any other information and documents to be submitted to the Supplier in connection with the preparation of the bid are legally protected confidential information of the Ordering party.
• Buyer reserves the right, until the deadline for submitting tenders, to make changes to the inquiry, about which it is obliged to notify all Suppliers.
• Buyer reserves the right to conduct an electronic auction.
• In the case of bids submitted by entities with tax residency in the territory of the Republic of Poland, the Contracting Authority reserves the right to reject the bid if it is not possible to confirm that the contractor's bank account indicated in the bid is included in the list referred to in Article 96 b of the VAT Act.
• The order shall be subject to the currently binding LOTOS Petrobaltic S.A. "General Conditions of Order" available at:
• The Contractor shall read and comply with the safety rules set forth in the "Safety" appendix available at:


Lp. Nazwa produktu Ilość Jednostka Indeks Załącznik/Link Uwagi
1. API 30 10 szt.
2. API 40 10 szt.
3. API 50 10 szt.
4. API 80 20 szt.
5. API 100 20 szt.

Dodatkowe warunki formalne:

Pytania do postępowania w ramach zapytania ofertowego "Thule VSM 300 Vibrating Screen/160037086"

Lp. Tytuł pytania Data wysłania pytania Status
Brak wyników do wyświetlenia


Waluta: EUR

Data i godzina rozpoczęcia przyjmowania ofert:

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Data i godzina zakończenia przyjmowania ofert:

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Data i godzina zakończenia zadawania pytań:

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1. Nasza firma wykorzystuje Platformę zakupową Logintrade jako narzędzie do kontaktów z dostawcami.

2. Oferty handlowe przyjmowane są tylko przez platformę zakupową.

3. Rejestracja w bazie dostawców naszej firmy, przeglądanie zapytań ofertowych oraz składanie ofert handlowych jest bezpłatne.

4. Jeśli nie posiadasz konta na platformie zakupowej Logintrade zarejestruj się w bazie dostawców w celu otrzymania loginu i hasła do swojego konta. Jedno konto dostawcy umożliwia otrzymywanie zapytań ofertowych od wielu kupców.

5. Aby przeglądać zapytania ofertowe od firmy, która je złożyła, musisz być zarejestrowany w jej bazie dostawców.

6. Regulamin Platformy zakupowej jest dostępny w panelu rejestracyjnym.

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